Sprites From the PastMain News

Sprites From the Past

Monday, January 27th, 2014

As another goodie, here’s a small collections of sprites from the old top-down incarnation of the game, most of which were never shown publicly.


The most notable exception is Doughbro, already shown for the 2011 April Fool’s Day joke, coincidentally the very same that showed off an 8 bit styled 2D sidescroller before Dudebro II actually turned into one.

Facility Courtyard Screenshot

Monday, January 13th, 2014

To start off the new year with a bang/swoosh, here’s an all-new screenshot from a recently-added event to a previously shown location.


Going by this text, things are about to get snow-meltingly hot! Just what exactly is lying ahead will need to stay under wraps for a little while longer.

Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 16th, 2013

Ah, the Holidays! The atmosphere of happiness and joy, the snow falling gently all over the northern hemisphere, the hot ladies still being hot. Ah, the Holidays!
Dudebro and the whole team at Grimoire Assembly Forge wish you all a happy holiday season. May the new year start with a bang!


Regular website updates will resume Jan 13th.

Mountain Passage Screenshot

Monday, December 2nd, 2013

As the mountain top draws ever closer, even the screen can freeze, adding low visibility to the long list of challenges Dudebro will face on his journey. Of course if you ask him, this is still too insignificant of a handicap to make a difference.


Environment Art: Carnassus Mansion

Monday, November 18th, 2013

Straight from the depths of our archives, here’s a piece of environment art depicting Generalissimo Carnassus’s mansion and a large hedge maze right in front of it.

Carnassus Mansion

This artwork was originally made for the top-down incarnation of Dudebro II, but it’s still being used as reference for the sidescroller version, outside of being a great piece of art on its own of course.

Armando Pesquali Interview

Monday, November 4th, 2013

For today’s update, we’ve managed to secure an exclusive interview with world renowned arms dealer Armando Pesquali, the elusive man Dudebro is tasked to find near the beginning of the game. Due to the criminal’s thick and barely decipherable accent, we cannot guarantee all of the following sentences are reported accurately. In fact, for some of them, we kind of hope they’re not.


Interviewer: Too wanted for the most wanted lists, too dangerous for the media to even dare mention his name, our guest tonight is Mr. Armando Pesquali, speaking through party chat on a video game console to prevent his current location from getting disclosed.
Pesquali: Yes, pepperoni and triple cheese. Oh, and two beers. Mexico City, 24 Habanero Road, room 302. Thank you.

Interviewer: Good evening, Mr. Pesquali. Thank you for sharing with us a few minutes of your time. You must be a pretty busy man.
Pesquali: Good evening, and yes. Of course. Code Ghost (?), the one with the dogs, is releasing tomorrow and I’m training day and night with my associates.

Interviewer: How would you describe your job? Trafficking weapons, top secret military equipment and who knows what else in the very heart of the criminal underworld? I imagine most of our readers would find this routine quite unfamiliar.
Pesquali: It’s nothing much, really. I buy things and sell them back, this guy Limpwrist has an endless supply of men who take care of the logistics themselves. So the business is good, I get to travel often, and… oh, here’s another perk.

Interviewer: Which is…?
Pesquali: Invisibility to airstrikes. Those fuckers always use airstrikes.

Interviewer: (visibly shaken) Let’s talk about something else. Armando Pesquali, the man. Not much is known about you personally. Where are you from? What’s your ethnicity? What about family?
Pesquali: They’re fine, thank you.

Interviewer: I mean, let’s talk about them.
Pesquali: I don’t have a good relationship with my parents, they never agreed with my career choice and wanted me to continue the family business. They just wouldn’t understand I wasn’t interested in drugs. Anyway, even though we don’t talk much, I’m constantly reminded of them, as people keep saying I got my father’s eyes and my mother’s mustache.

Interviewer: And what a lovely mustache it is. Shifting gears for a moment, do you have anything to say about your future plans? Which region will you be terrorizing next with your underground weapon trading shenanigans?
Pesquali: …………

Interviewer: Mr. Pesquali?
Pesquali: Oh, sorry about that, got disconnected. Fucking campers. I think we’d better cut this interview short since my network’s gonna die again at any moment.

Interviewer: I’m sorry to hear that. Thank you for your time.
Pesquali: No problem. Glad I could…. shit, that American kid again!

So there you have it! We couldn’t ask him everything we wanted, but we definitely extracted some relevant (and not so relevant) information.

One Source Code Excerpt

Monday, October 21st, 2013

Here’s a very small excerpt from the game’s source code, specifically one portion related to Dudebro’s partner Habemus Chicken, which seems to describe pretty clearly just how beta this character may be, compared to our brotastic protagonist.


Handle action? I do love me some handles! And I, ummm… what?

— Habemus Chicken

One more GIF

Monday, October 7th, 2013

Here’s one GIF we missed in the past update, because it loops too well to ignore it.

One More GIF

Animated GIFs Galore!

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

No matter how you pronounce it, the GIF format is great at making game screens come alive. So here’s a bunch of animated GIFs from the game, all from the same area in Chapter 1. Enjoy!

Thar She Throws

Snowbro Go Boom

Yeah Science

Silent and Deadly

Dude's Ladder

Aaaand… one more!

B.R.O. Alliance Camp

Monday, September 9th, 2013

Deep in the Caribbean Middle East, the B.R.O. Alliance Camp.

This outpost is seen briefly in one of the game’s 16 bit cutscenes. B.R.O. Alliance forces are always deployed to whatever location is currently popular in gaming, which means the Middle East is certainly going to stay covered, in case shit gets fucked up, for a long time.


The camp features numerous commodities, ranging from coffee machines to gaming rooms equipped with plasma TVs and comfy couches, to all kinds of equipment even remotely associated to warfare. So, how’s life in the camp? We can probably count on General Lee to mention some anecdotes here and there throughout the game.