Early Sprite AnimationMain News

Early Sprite Animation

Monday, March 25th, 2013

Early_Sprite_anim Before the decision to turn Dudebro II into a 2D sidescroller was finalized, this animated GIF was made to show off a bunch of animations for our brodacious protagonist.

Besides the color palette, the most notable difference with the final ingame sprite is probably the slicing animation: back then, the same hand was used for the equipped weapon as well as the knife. Later on, we decided to move the latter to Dudebro’s other hand, making it more reminiscent of a CQC-like stance. This change allowed us to keep both visible at the same time, giving equal weight to shooting and slicing, and making alternating between the two actions more fluid and consistent.

Screenshot Saturday Screenshot #002

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

Here’s another Screenshot Saturday snap, this time revealing a new enemy, the JumpPro, who seemingly loves to jump around on a pogo stick with a drill attached on the bottom. Dudebro should better watch his head when they’re around!


From Concept Art to Pixel Art

Monday, March 11th, 2013

Today’s update is a neat comparison between some early concept art for the snowy fields of Alaska and the resulting pixel art background used in one of the cutscenes.


snow field


Pixel snow field

Retrospective Part 7: Build Evolution pt.1

Monday, February 25th, 2013

For the next few retrospective posts, we are going to show how the sidescroller build evolved over time, together with exclusive screenshots from some key revisions.

Before the decision of switching away from the 3D top down shooter was finalized, our pixel artists Jocchan and EarthPainting worked on a mock up to conceptualize what a 2D sidescrolling incarnation of the game would have looked like. They eventually came up with the picture below.

Sidescroller Mockup

The team responded very positively. At first, there was some skepticism about choosing an 8 bit art style, considering how overused it had seemingly become for indie games as of late. The doubts were quickly dispelled once it became apparent how such a style would not only speed up the production of assets, but still allow the game to stand out on its own if complemented by modern effects. Once the decision of going ahead was taken, development could finally start.


The very first revision of Dudebro II reborn only featured a static sprite of Dudebro jumping in the middle of a 320x180px screen with a uniform XNA cornflower blue background. It was our very own Hello World, just 120% more badass.


By revision 16, the screen resolution was upgraded to 640×360. We already had Farseer Physics integration and TMX map loading, but the latter had no colliders yet (even though it may look otherwise in the picture above). We only had one large black platform near the bottom of the screen to prevent Dudebro from falling into eternal nothingness. Speaking of Dudebro, back then he could only walk and jump, with character physics slightly impractical for a game meant to become heavy on platforming. His sprite wasn’t even animated yet.


Fast forward to revision 32, and the test map finally has its own colliders for Dudebro to stand on. The picture is zoomed in by a factor of two to display the sprites more clearly. A working camera can already follow the player everywhere. Dudebro can now shoot placeholder fireballs, and his character physics has improved greatly thanks to a new approach intended to bypass some of the quirks caused by using a realistic physics engine. Still, it’s not really as tight as we need: jumps are way too floaty and character movement just doesn’t feel right yet. It was apparent we had a lot of room for improvement.


In revision 46, Dudebro is finally animated correctly… but one of his arms is missing. That is because the arm is actually a separate sprite, to allow for multidirectional shooting, and that one was not displayed yet. So, our star had to settle for shooting bullets from his beard. Which was actually kinda cool. The screen resolution also received another bump, with the addition of multipliers that allowed for clean looking action all the way up to 1080p (1920×1080).

Dudebro wouldn’t remain armless for very long. In fact, a few revisions later he would receive a muscular and fully functional arm to hold his guns with, but we’ll get to that in a later update.

Screenshot Saturday Screenshot #001

Saturday, February 16th, 2013

Starting today, which marks week 120 of the initiative, Dudebro II is going to join Screenshot Saturdays. New screenshots will be posted on Saturdays on the official Twitter account @TheRealDudebro once in a while. As it won’t have a regular schedule, it won’t interfere too much with the game’s development and (hopefully) also keep a slight element of surprise. Now, without further ado, please let us introduce our first Screenshot Saturday Screenshot. Enjoy!


Happy Valentine’s Day!

Monday, February 11th, 2013

It’s that time of the year again, so here’s a Valentine’s Day card for all you brovers out there. May the feeling spread across the battlefield and prove, once and for all, that making love and making war aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive.

Valentine Card

Assorted Sprites

Monday, January 28th, 2013

Our wonderful pixel artists have been hard at work making sprites for all sorts of situations. Here’s a random assortment of only a very small fraction of those sprites, some of which have not been revealed to the public before.


Weapon Wheel

Monday, January 14th, 2013

Throughout his adventures, Dudebro will obtain quite a few deadly weapons. While he can wield many at a time, that wouldn’t be very fair to the enemy, so he has opted to just use one at any given moment, and carry the rest in his beard. When using a controller, said weapons can be changed in real time, without pausing the game or accessing separate menus, through the Weapon Wheel.

Weapon wheel

In the trailer, we joked about video game protagonists only being able to carry 2 weapons at a time. That, of course, is not Dudebro’s case. Going by the image above, you would think his limit is 8, but that also is not really the case, and we’ll elaborate further on this in a later update.

Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 24th, 2012

It’s that time of the year again. The time when joy, cheer, and family are all pushed aside in favor of a whole lot of eggnog. After effortlessly saving the world from the Mayan apocalypse, Dudebro wishes everyone a happy holiday season!


Regular website updates will resume Jan 14th.

Dudebro Spotted on Miiverse

Monday, December 10th, 2012

As reported by operatives in the Intelligence and Rehab division of the B.R.O. Alliance, it appears that John Dudebro was spotted on the now discontinued Miiverse, under the Nintendo Network ID of JohnDudebro.


Yeah, how the hell did you get there?