Behind the Beard Podcast: Episode 1

In its ongoing efforts to give the fans insight into the development process, the Dudebro II development team has recorded a podcast titled “Behind the Beard.” In our first episode, we address naysayers’ concerns about the project and answer questions submitted by our fans!

If you would like to submit a question for the Dudebro II development team to answer or a topic for us to talk about, let us know below in the comments, on our Facebook page or at our Twitter account!

Enjoy the first episode of Behind the Beard:

3 Responses to “Behind the Beard Podcast: Episode 1”

  1. Wiiruler says:

    Awesome podcast! My guess on the number of times bro is said is 2367.

  2. Everdred says:

    Nice first podcast! Will stay tuned.

  3. Regan Boyce says:

    Intro music to podcast fucking rocked! i hope that’s in the game!

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